The 24th

There's nothing like some last minute Christmas shopping and gift wrapping! Am happy to be in my second home, reunited with my whole family. This is our first white Christmas and overseas holiday together in years.

Good Little Girls...

...grow up to wear Miu Miu SS 2010.

I should be on a plane from to Canada right now...I love traveling...even the boring bits in transit. :)

Photo credits:

I'm in Paris!!!

If you have any suggestions for cute cafes and shops I should check out, please let me know! At the moment I have had the fortune of being shown around by some of my French friends, and I am working off The Cherry Blossom Girl's Paris shopping guide. I think when I get home I should write something similar for Sydney + Melbourne just because these things are so useful!! xo, i.d.


Assuming everything has been going to plan, I should be in the French countryside right now and heading into Paris this weekend, where I hope to hit up the macaroon mecca Laduree! I'll be staying in the 1st arrondissement. xx

An Education

Loved this movie. Carey Mulligan was so sweet and beguiling and I loved the 60s set!

Modern day London is pretty cool too! I don't even mind the weather. Susie Bubble's shopping guide has been a blessing! xx

Three Quarters

I think this image is from a Dior mascara print ad, nothing fancy. We were learning how to draw front-on, 3/4 and profile poses. If you look closely, you can still see my construction lines! Lol.