Baby Baby Baby

One of my all-time favorite movie posters...

For my Fashion Design class, we're meant to bring in images that inspire us every lesson. But I share most of my favorite things on this blog - am I meant to print all of this out!? I'm also literally tearing and cutting through piles and piles of magazines for collages and whatnot. I think I'm going to need a little magazine budget to maintain a continuous stream of source material. What a pricey habit!


  1. i love that photo too; and magazines are quite a costly habit. but i'm okay with it!!

    La C.

  2. thanks for droppin' by my last post! Hopefully I'll get back to updating semi-regularly

  3. Oh this is a nice image! I love how Reese looked in this movie. So gorgeous!

  4. I agree! This reminds me of the really old perfume ads. Black and white, in a European ally somewhere...;)

  5. That sounds like fun... I love going through magazines. Surely you can print some stuff out instead of buying new mags, can't you? There seems to be heaps of stuff available online.

  6. ah this is one of my fave movie posters too! loved this film and the looks of that time. Its amazing how many images you can gather for inspiration! x
